What to expect when you come home to PPBC.
No matter when you come, you’ll find warm, friendly smiles to greet you, joyful, worshipful music to inspire you, and powerful, biblical teaching and preaching to encourage you to trust and follow Christ. Because we believe our church is a family and our building a home, no one is turned away––all are welcome to come home to Plymouth Park Baptist Church. So, bring your faith or your doubt, your joy or your tears, your praise or your worry, and let's pursue Christ together because He changes everything.
Coming to a church service for the first time can be a little bit daunting. Even if you've been to church before, a new church with new people can push you outside your comfort zone. The following is some information you might find useful for your first visit.
Bible Study is at 9:30 AM
Sunday Worship is at 10:45 AM
1714 N Story Rd, Irving, TX 75061
From the time you drive onto the parking lot, you will find that our people want nothing more than for your visit with us to be a great one. We have convenient parking spaces near the front entrance for our first-time guests and several friendly faces to help you find where to go.
PPBC is a multi-generational, multi-ethnic family with something for everyone. For the safety of your children, we will ask for some information about your child and explain our drop-off and pick-up procedures, show you where your child’s Sunday School Class or Kid’s Worship Service is located, and introduce you to his or her teachers. All of our nursery, preschool, and children’s teachers have completed background checks and child-safety training. To find out more about our children’s ministries, click here.
There will be a time at the beginning of our gathering where we will make some announcements and pray together as a congregation. We would also be honored to pray for you and your loved ones personally. If you’d like for us to pray for you, please feel free to talk with one of our pastors following the service, and/or send your prayer request to us by clicking here.
Our music style is what many might call "blended." On a typical Sunday you will hear traditional songs of the faith and more modern worship songs. We have a choir, orchestra, praise band, and worship team who work hard to inspire all who gather through joyful, worshipful music.
Every week someone will preach the Word of God, which is where we are encouraged and transformed by God’s self-revelation (the Bible) as it is proclaimed to us through what's called "expositional" or verse-by-verse teaching through the Bible. This portion of our gathering usually lasts about 30 minutes.
Dress however you feel most comfortable! Some folks wear jeans while others wear slacks or dresses. There is no dress code. Just come home and find a family who loves you, welcomes you, and wants to pursue Christ with you.