Be Encouragers
Pastor: Jared Cornutt Series: Ephesus: A Study from Life to Death Passage: 2 Timothy 1:15–18
Prayer for All Members Based on Pastor Jared’s Message, March 19, 2023 2 Timothy 1:15-18
Be Like Onesiphorus – Be Encouragers!
Introduction: Paul shares with Timothy about his loneliness in a prison in Rome, but he names a brother, Onesiphorus, who sought after him and encouraged him. Three observations on these verses tell us why we ought to be encouragers like Onesiphorus:
The Reason for Encouragement: Faithfulness to the gospel does not guarantee loyalty from friends. (15)
You are aware that all who are in Asia turned away from me...
Paul had risked his life and poured into the lives of others, and now in his time of need they have turned their backs on him. Why would they abandon Paul? Because to identify with him in his imprisonment meant danger to them. It was easier in an earthly sense to abandon Paul than to suffer with him. Don’t turn your back on the people of God. Endure. Share in the sufferings of Christ.
Lord, thank You that the ministry of the gospel is worth any cost and that You never abandon us! Please help us to be aware when Christians are standing alone, and to come stand with them and encourage them.
The Role of Encouragement: God gives mercy to the afflicted through the encouragement of others. (16-17)
...for he often refreshed me and was not ashamed of my chains, but when he arrived in Rome he searched for me earnestly and found me...
Onesiphorus sought Paul out to refresh him. And he came many times. Minister mercy to brothers and sisters who are suffering; give them refreshment in the Lord Jesus. Because we have been saved by the blood of Jesus, we can experience the love of God together.
Father, please cause our encouragement of our suffering brothers and sisters to bring Your refreshment and mercy to them.
The Reward for Encouragement: God shows mercy to those who encourage the afflicted. (16, 18)
May the Lord grant mercy to the household of Onesiphorus... may the Lord grant him to find mercy from the Lord on that day!—and you well know all the service he rendered at Ephesus.
When you encourage others, it is for their benefit but also for your benefit, because the Scripture testifies that the merciful will receive mercy. “On that day” means on judgment day. Because of what Onesiphorus did for Paul, Paul asks the Lord for special blessing for him on judgment day. It is a sweet thing to remember that even the smallest acts of encouragement will be remembered by the Lord Jesus.
Lord, as Paul did for Onesiphorus, we ask You to reward those who serve and encourage us. Please grant Your mercy to our encouragers and their families.
Conclusion: We need to know one another’s trials and struggles in order to encourage them. And we ourselves are encouraged by one another’s faith in times of suffering – and we can tell one another so. So many of you do. This truly is a faith family of encouragement. This church has been a ministry of encouragement to me for four years, and I can’t thank you enough for that. Press on, church. Continue to seek out those in need and minister encouragement to them.
Father, thank You for enabling us by Your love to love and encourage one another! Please help us seek out those in need and minister encouragement to them. Help us to encourage our new pastor, and please provide Pastor Jared encouragers in his new church.
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Remember Jesus
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