Pastor Israel ha sido uno de los Pastores aqui en Plymouth Park Baptist desde mayo de 2015. Se graduó con una licenciatura en Estudios Bíblicos (B.A) de la Universidad Bautista de Dallas (DBU). Continuó su educación en el Seminario Teológico Bautista Southwestern (SWBTS) en Fort Worth, TX, donde obtuvo una Maestría en Estudios Teológicos (MTS). Desde su llegada a la iglesia, aunque tiene muchas funciones, supervisa predominantemente nuestro ministerio en español y predica en nuestro servicio en español. Si hablas el idioma con fluidez o simplemente te intriga aprenderlo, le encantaría que visitaras. Pastor Israel disfruta de todo lo relacionado con los deportes, pero prefiere hacerlo en lugar de verlo: natación, ciclismo o el baloncesto. Disfruta de una buena película con su familia per aun mas, la sabrosa comida mexicana (especialmente cuando su esposa la cocina). Pastor Israel está felizmente casado con su preciosa esposa Christine; juntos tienen dos hijos, Israel Christopher y Melody Ann.

Email Israel Villalobos


Pastor Israel has been one of the preaching Pastors at Plymouth Park Baptist since May of 2015. Israel graduated with a Biblical Studies degree (B.A) from Dallas Baptist University. He went on to further his education at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, TX where he earned a Master of Theological Studies (MTS). Since his arrival at the church, though he wears many hats, he predominantly oversees our Spanish Ministry and preaches in our Spanish worship service. If you are fluent in the language or simply intrigued with learning it, he would love for you to visit! 

Israel enjoys anything sports-related, but prefers doing it instead of watching it: swimming, cycling or full-court basketball. He enjoys a good movie as well as tasty Mexican food (especially when his wife cooks it). Israel is happily married to his lovely bride Christine; together they have two children, Israel Christopher and Melody Ann. 

Email Israel Villalobos