Benediction to Ephesians

August 21, 2022 Pastor: Jared Cornutt Series: Ephesus: A Study from Life to Death

Prayer for All Members Based on Pastor Jared’s Message, August 21, 2022 Ephesians 6:21-24
Benediction to the Ephesians

Introduction: In chapters 1 through 3, Paul has told us how before the foundation of the world God set His love on us. And it’s not just about us individually; He has brought us together into a community to live and worship together . Paul then told us in chapters 4-6 how to live out our relationship with Christ and with one another.

Now in his closing words, Paul offers encouragement and blessing:

  1. The Importance of “Nobodies.” (6:21)

    So that you also may know how I am and what I am doing, Tychicus the beloved brother and faithful minister in the Lord will tell you everything.

    Who was Tychicus? Paul calls him the beloved brother and faithful minister. By the world’s standards, he may have been a “nobody,” but he was a beloved body and he was faithful. God was using him. Serving God and loving the people around us is what the church needs us to do.

    Father, please help us all to be important “nobodies,” humbly loving and serving for Your glory!

  2. The Importance of Shared Lives (6:22)

    I have sent him to you for this very purpose, that you may know how we are, and that he may encourage your hearts.

    Paul reflects the Lord in that his concern was not for himself in his imprisonment but for others. In the midst of his persecution Paul wanted his brothers and sisters to find comfort. We all share in the mission, in the ministry, and in our concern for one another.

    Lord, please lead us to give ourselves to the church for whom You died. Help us to share in ministry and in one another’s lives.

  3. Double Benediction (6:23-24)

    Peace be to the brothers, and love with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Grace be with all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with love incorruptible.

    Paul expresses what he wants most for the church:

    • Peace, and love with faith. May we experience peace from God and therefore be peacemakers!

      We love because He first loved us, so we can love actively, joyfully, and fully. May God

      continue to grant us faith, trusting Him, the Lord of the universe, to know what He is doing.

    • Grace. Loving the Lord and loving others is a result of our salvation and the work of the Spirit

      in our hearts: having received His grace we desire to live in His ongoing grace.

      Father, please grant us to live fully in Your peace, love, faithfulness, and grace.

      Conclusion: Four Takeaways from the Letter to the Ephesians:

  • The gospel matters: through it God transforms our lives.

  • Doctrine matters: what we believe determines how we live.

  • The church matters: if you love Jesus, you will love His bride.

  • Relationships in the church matter: peace and love in the church magnify God’s transforming grace.

Lord, please help us proclaim the gospel, believe and live out the truth, and earnestly love one another.

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